
Assalamualaikum wbr...

To all readers blog Biotech In My Heart, kindly informed that this is first and the only blog which conducted by 4 handsome guys. They consists of Muhd Khusairi Izzani (admin/author), Ahmad Bukhari (author/ceo), Ahmad Fadil (author/manager) and Muhd Fahmi (author/supervisior).

First of all, we created this awesome blog actually only for assignment course Computer in Science (KoS 1110). Then, after we are all together made meeting and take this serious action to improve this precious blog start today until onwards. This blog just not only conclude about our assignment ONLY but all about entry that we want to share with all of readers.

Secondly, we hope that you all could give us feedback in term of comment below or just send us email to tokesah92@gmail.com. We open our heart to hear from you all to make some improvement about this blog.

Last but not least, feel free to LIKE n SHARE our blog link http://biotechiiumk12.blogspot.com/ to all of your friends around the world. Please support us to click any advertisement if there. It will support us on cost later on because we on planning to make own domain. hehe InsyaALLAH

Kindly regards,

Admin Kucer

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